STK Environmental - Facilitating sustainable development through independent commercially focused environmental consulting services
What we do…
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Statutory EIA is required for certain development in the UK. We undertake comprehensive EIA screening exercises to determine the legal requirements for your project. If EIA is required, we can provide detailed EIA scoping services to ensure a robust and proportionate approach is agreed with the relevant consenting body for your project. We then manage the EIA process and facilitate the delivery of the Environmental Statement (ES) to support your planning application or consent order.
Environmental Planning and
Non-Statutory Assessment
Regardless of statutory EIA requirements, we can provide assistance and environmental advice for your project from feasibility stage through to post submission queries and construction on site. Our expertise across a broad range of sectors provides a unique bank of knowledge for our clients. We can undertake options assessments and non-statutory environmental assessments to support your application.
Construction Environmental Management
We work with construction contractors to ensure environmental impacts are appropriately managed on site and your legal obligations are met. We can input into mitigation design and produce Construction Environment Management Plans to highlight the required environmental control measures to site teams. We can also undertake construction site audits to ensure appropriate implementation of mitigation on site.
Our Services…
Our team can help with your project, we offer -
EIA screening to determine legal requirements
EIA scoping to focus Environmental Statements (ES) on key issues
EIA Coordination and ES production
Coordination of technical assessments
ES peer review and technical reviews
Post consent advice and discharging of conditions
Production of ES addendums / further Information
Environmental Permitting and Consenting
Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) production
Construction site environmental auditing
Let’s Work Together
We’re always looking for new opportunities to partner with developers, contractors and technical consultants. Through our collaborative approach we can work with your existing specialist teams to manage the environmental requirements of your project, or recommend our existing network of technical specialists.
No matter what stage your project is at, if you have any environmental planning or consenting requirements, please feel free to get in touch for an informal discussion on how we can assist. For more information on our team and how we operate, please refer to the ‘About’ section of this site.